Quantum certification and benchmarking

Eisert J, Hangleiter D, Walk N, Roth I, Markham D, Parekh R, Chabaud U, Kashefi E (2020)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2020


Book Volume: 2

Pages Range: 382-390

Journal Issue: 7

DOI: 10.1038/s42254-020-0186-4


With the rapid development of quantum technologies, a pressing need has emerged for a wide array of tools for the certification and characterization of quantum devices. Such tools are critical because the powerful applications of quantum information science will only be realized if stringent levels of precision of components can be reached and their functioning guaranteed. This Technical Review provides a brief overview of the known characterization methods for certification, benchmarking and tomographic reconstruction of quantum states and processes, and outlines their applications in quantum computing, simulation and communication.

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How to cite


Eisert, J., Hangleiter, D., Walk, N., Roth, I., Markham, D., Parekh, R.,... Kashefi, E. (2020). Quantum certification and benchmarking. Nature Reviews Physics, 2(7), 382-390. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-020-0186-4


Eisert, Jens, et al. "Quantum certification and benchmarking." Nature Reviews Physics 2.7 (2020): 382-390.

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