Spin-wave frequency combs

Hula T, Schultheiss K, Goncalves FJT, Koerber L, Bejarano M, Copus M, Flacke L, Liensberger L, Buzdakov A, Kakay A, Weiler M, Camley R, Fassbender J, Schultheiss H (2022)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2022


Book Volume: 121

Article Number: 112404

Journal Issue: 11

DOI: 10.1063/5.0090033


We experimentally demonstrate the generation of spin-wave frequency combs based on the nonlinear interaction of propagating spin waves in a microstructured waveguide. By means of time- and space-resolved Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy, we show that the simultaneous excitation of spin waves with different frequencies leads to a cascade of four-magnon scattering events, which ultimately results in well-defined frequency combs. Their spectral weight can be tuned by the choice of amplitude and frequency of the input signals. Furthermore, we introduce a model for stimulated four-magnon scattering, which describes the formation of spin-wave frequency combs in the frequency and time domain.

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How to cite


Hula, T., Schultheiss, K., Goncalves, F.J.T., Koerber, L., Bejarano, M., Copus, M.,... Schultheiss, H. (2022). Spin-wave frequency combs. Applied Physics Letters, 121(11). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0090033


Hula, T., et al. "Spin-wave frequency combs." Applied Physics Letters 121.11 (2022).

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