An engineered IL-2 partial agonist promotes CD8+ T cell stemness

Mo F, Yu Z, Li P, Oh J, Spolski R, Zhao L, Glassman CR, Yamamoto TN, Chen Y, Golebiowski FM, Hermans D, Majri-Morrison S, Picton LK, Liao W, Ren M, Zhuang X, Mitra S, Lin JX, Gattinoni L, Powell JD, Restifo NP, Garcia KC, Leonard WJ (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2021


Book Volume: 597

Pages Range: 544-548

Journal Issue: 7877

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03861-0


Adoptive transfer of antigen-specific T cells represents a major advance in cancer immunotherapy, with robust clinical outcomes in some patients1. Both the number of transferred T cells and their differentiation state are critical determinants of effective responses2,3. T cells can be expanded with T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated stimulation and interleukin-2, but this can lead to differentiation into effector T cells4,5 and lower therapeutic efficacy6, whereas maintenance of a more stem-cell-like state before adoptive transfer is beneficial7. Here we show that H9T, an engineered interleukin-2 partial agonist, promotes the expansion of CD8+ T cells without driving terminal differentiation. H9T led to altered STAT5 signalling and mediated distinctive downstream transcriptional, epigenetic and metabolic programs. In addition, H9T treatment sustained the expression of T cell transcription factor 1 (TCF-1) and promoted mitochondrial fitness, thereby facilitating the maintenance of a stem-cell-like state. Moreover, TCR-transgenic and chimeric antigen receptor-modified CD8+ T cells that were expanded with H9T showed robust anti-tumour activity in vivo in mouse models of melanoma and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Thus, engineering cytokine variants with distinctive properties is a promising strategy for creating new molecules with translational potential.

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How to cite


Mo, F., Yu, Z., Li, P., Oh, J., Spolski, R., Zhao, L.,... Leonard, W.J. (2021). An engineered IL-2 partial agonist promotes CD8+ T cell stemness. Nature, 597(7877), 544-548.


Mo, Fei, et al. "An engineered IL-2 partial agonist promotes CD8+ T cell stemness." Nature 597.7877 (2021): 544-548.

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