Sanmiguel Vila C, Orlu R, Vinuesa R, Schlatter P, Ianiro A, Discetti S (2017)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2017
Book Volume: 99
Pages Range: 589-612
Journal Issue: 3-4
DOI: 10.1007/s10494-017-9869-z
This manuscripts presents a study on adverse-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers under different Reynolds-number and pressure-gradient conditions. In this work we performed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements supplemented with Large-Eddy Simulations in order to have a dataset covering a range of displacement-thickness-based Reynolds-number 2300 APA: Sanmiguel Vila, C., Orlu, R., Vinuesa, R., Schlatter, P., Ianiro, A., & Discetti, S. (2017). Adverse-Pressure-Gradient Effects on Turbulent Boundary Layers: Statistics and Flow-Field Organization. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 99(3-4), 589-612. MLA: Sanmiguel Vila, Carlos, et al. "Adverse-Pressure-Gradient Effects on Turbulent Boundary Layers: Statistics and Flow-Field Organization." Flow Turbulence and Combustion 99.3-4 (2017): 589-612. BibTeX: DownloadAuthors with CRIS profile
Involved external institutions
Spain (ES)
Royal Institute of Technology / Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)
Sweden (SE)
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