Tailored Pre-Lithiation Using Melt-Deposited Lithium Thin Films

Schoenherr K, Poethe M, Schumm B, Althues H, Leyens C, Kaskel S (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 9

Article Number: 53

Journal Issue: 1

DOI: 10.3390/batteries9010053


The user demands lithium-ion batteries in mobile applications, and electric vehicles request steady improvement in terms of capacity and cycle life. This study shows one way to compensate for capacity losses due to SEI formation during the first cycles. A fast and simple approach of electrolyte-free direct-contact pre-lithiation leads to targeted degrees of pre-lithiation for graphite electrodes. It uses tailor-made lithium thin films with 1–5 µm lithium films produced by lithium melt deposition as a lithium source. These pre-lithiated graphite electrodes show 6.5% capacity increase after the first cycles in NCM full cells. In this study, the influence of the pre-lithiation parameters—applied pressure, temperature and pressing time—on the pre-lithiation process is examined.

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How to cite


Schoenherr, K., Poethe, M., Schumm, B., Althues, H., Leyens, C., & Kaskel, S. (2023). Tailored Pre-Lithiation Using Melt-Deposited Lithium Thin Films. Batteries, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries9010053


Schoenherr, Kay, et al. "Tailored Pre-Lithiation Using Melt-Deposited Lithium Thin Films." Batteries 9.1 (2023).

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