Arbeitsanweisung in Herzkatheterlabor und Hybridoperationssaal

Schächinger V, Nef H, Achenbach S, Butter C, Deisenhofer I, Eckardt L, Eggebrecht H, Kuon E, Levenson B, Linke A, Madlener K, Mudra H, Naber CK, Rieber J, Rittger H, Walther T, Zeus T, Kelm M (2015)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2015


Book Volume: 9

Pages Range: 29-34

Journal Issue: 1

DOI: 10.1007/s12181-014-0632-6


According to the German Radiation Act §18 (2) (Röntgenverordnung) every radiation facility administering radiation to humans has to provide written working instructions for those examinations and treatment procedures which are frequently performed. This is also valid for catheterization laboratories and hybrid operating rooms. It is the duty of the radiation protection officer (Strahlenschutzbeauftragte), a person who has to be appointed by German law (§15 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 Röntgenverordnung) to formulate and implement the working instructions. The current manuscript is a template to create such working instructions, which fulfill the legal requirements.

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How to cite


Schächinger, V., Nef, H., Achenbach, S., Butter, C., Deisenhofer, I., Eckardt, L.,... Kelm, M. (2015). Arbeitsanweisung in Herzkatheterlabor und Hybridoperationssaal. Der Kardiologe, 9(1), 29-34.


Schächinger, V., et al. "Arbeitsanweisung in Herzkatheterlabor und Hybridoperationssaal." Der Kardiologe 9.1 (2015): 29-34.

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