A multi-physics simulation approach for energy and cost analysis during the deceleration of high-speed trains

Meinel D, Javied T, Rast S, Zipp C, Franke J (2018)

Publication Type: Conference contribution

Publication year: 2018


Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

Book Volume: 24

Pages Range: 8-14

Conference Proceedings Title: Procedia Manufacturing

Event location: Hannover DE

DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.06.003


The kinetic energy of cruising high-speed trains is significant and should be saved if possible. On the one hand, regenerative braking only goes along with a low deceleration rate due to the limited motor power and needs to be compensated with energy-wasting high travelling speeds in order to travel within a given schedule. On the other hand, travelling with lower speeds demands for adding wear-prone mechanical braking power to keep the speed up long enough. This dilemma makes for the scientific quest of this paper to examine these two opposing approaches using a multi-physics train model for simulations featuring distributed brake and motor models across the train model. The simulation scenarios herein are characterized by different ratios of disc braking forces and regenerative braking forces. Plainly electric braking turned out the most economical but less effective than adding mechanic braking force. A compromise strategy for both making for schedule buffers and achieve a satisfying efficiency has been found. Engaging the mechanic disc brakes turned out to be indispensable for avoiding schedule delays. A study about reinforcing the motor equipment to increase the braking capacity resulted in a potential improvement of the economic efficiency during the life cycle of trainsets.

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How to cite


Meinel, D., Javied, T., Rast, S., Zipp, C., & Franke, J. (2018). A multi-physics simulation approach for energy and cost analysis during the deceleration of high-speed trains. In Procedia Manufacturing (pp. 8-14). Hannover, DE: Elsevier B.V..


Meinel, David, et al. "A multi-physics simulation approach for energy and cost analysis during the deceleration of high-speed trains." Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence: Intelligent, Flexible and Connected Systems in Products and Production, 2018, Hannover Elsevier B.V., 2018. 8-14.

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