Human-machine-communication: introduction to the special issue

Etzrodt K, Gentzel P, Utz S, Engesser S (2022)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2022


Original Authors: Katrin Etzrodt, Peter Gentzel, Sonja Utz, Sven Engesser

DOI: 10.1007/s11616-022-00754-8

Open Access Link:


The natural point of departure for an editorial of a special issue on Human-Machine Communication (HMC) is the question of what HMC is. Addressing this question is not an easy task, as it is inherently linked to the more fundamental and general  question of what communication is. The definition of communication, in turn, shapes the identity of an entire scholarly field and is thus subject to a vibrant and continuous debate. We do not aim at intensifying or complicating this debate but rather at providing an operational definition of HMC, which is merely supposed to serve as a framework for the special issue.

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How to cite


Etzrodt, K., Gentzel, P., Utz, S., & Engesser, S. (2022). Human-machine-communication: introduction to the special issue. Publizistik: Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung.


Etzrodt, Katrin, et al. "Human-machine-communication: introduction to the special issue." Publizistik: Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung (2022).

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