Re-exposure with a TNF inhibitor bio-similar was well tolerated and led to sustained control of psoriatic arthritis after allergic reaction to the TNF inhibitor bio-originator

Valor-Mendez L, Dorn C, Manger B, Schett G, Kleyer A (2022)

Publication Type: Journal article, Letter

Publication year: 2022


Book Volume: 6

Journal Issue: 3

DOI: 10.1093/rap/rkac079

Authors with CRIS profile

Involved external institutions

How to cite


Valor-Mendez, L., Dorn, C., Manger, B., Schett, G., & Kleyer, A. (2022). Re-exposure with a TNF inhibitor bio-similar was well tolerated and led to sustained control of psoriatic arthritis after allergic reaction to the TNF inhibitor bio-originator. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 6(3).


Valor-Mendez, Larissa, et al. "Re-exposure with a TNF inhibitor bio-similar was well tolerated and led to sustained control of psoriatic arthritis after allergic reaction to the TNF inhibitor bio-originator." Rheumatology Advances in Practice 6.3 (2022).

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