Complete systems of inequalities relating the perimeter, the area and the Cheeger constant of planar domains

Ftouhi I (2022)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2022


DOI: 10.1142/S0219199722500547


The object of the paper is to find complete systems of inequalities relating the perimeter P, the area vertical bar.vertical bar and the Cheeger constant h of planar sets. To do so, we study the so-called Blaschke-Santalo diagram of the triplet (P, h, vertical bar.vertical bar) for different classes of domains: simply connected sets, convex sets and convex polygons with at most N sides. We completely determine the diagram in the latter cases except for the class of convex N-gons when N >= 5 is odd: therein, we show that the boundary of the diagram is given by the graphs of two continuous and strictly increasing functions. An explicit formula for the lower one and a numerical method to obtain the upper one is provided. At last, some applications of the results are presented.

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How to cite


Ftouhi, I. (2022). Complete systems of inequalities relating the perimeter, the area and the Cheeger constant of planar domains. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.


Ftouhi, Ilias. "Complete systems of inequalities relating the perimeter, the area and the Cheeger constant of planar domains." Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (2022).

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