Implementation of Machine Vision based Quality Inspection in Production: An Approach for the Accelerated Execution of Case Studies

Reichenstein T, Raffin T, Sand C, Franke J (2022)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2022


Original Authors: Tobias Reichenstein, Tim Raffin, Christian Sand, Jörg Franke

Book Volume: 112

Pages Range: 596-601

DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.09.058


The implementation of machine vision based quality inspection systems increases productivity and reduces human error during visual inspection, thus improving product quality. During the planning process of these inspection systems, case studies are executed to evaluate and ensure applicability, which so far has been an iterative and inefficient process due to the lack of existing methodologies and guidelines. Therefore, this paper presents a holistic approach for efficiently executing case studies to plan and implement machine vision based quality inspection systems in production. An evaluation via an industrial use-case resulted in a significantly quicker planning process.

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How to cite


Reichenstein, T., Raffin, T., Sand, C., & Franke, J. (2022). Implementation of Machine Vision based Quality Inspection in Production: An Approach for the Accelerated Execution of Case Studies. Procedia CIRP, 112, 596-601.


Reichenstein, Tobias, et al. "Implementation of Machine Vision based Quality Inspection in Production: An Approach for the Accelerated Execution of Case Studies." Procedia CIRP 112 (2022): 596-601.

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