Interaction analysis of a notching and cyclic bending process

Biallas A, Merklein M (2022)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2022


Book Volume: 50th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NMRC 50,2022)

Pages Range: 167-173

Journal Issue: 33, Beilage

DOI: 10.1016/j.mfglet.2022.07.022


The economic and ecological efficient production of steel wire fibers for reinforcing concrete is essential for exploiting their potential to reduce the required amount of building material. An innovative production process bases on the process chain notch rolling and cyclic bending. A sheet metal is notched on both sides and subsequently bent under undulated motion for causing a cyclic bending load in the formed notches. Due to damage effects during the cyclic bending, cracks initiate. The damage procedure and crack growth is influenced by the previous notched sheet called wire strip and the characteristics of the bending process. To analyze these effects, an influence and interaction study of the notches on the cyclic bending process is aspired. Based on a two-staged experimental design, the notching parameters notch tip radius and web height, which correlate with the amount of strain hardening, as well as the bending parameter bending angle, for identifying the interdependency of both processes, are evaluated. For study execution, an experimental model test for applying a cyclic bending load on a notched specimen is introduced.

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How to cite


Biallas, A., & Merklein, M. (2022). Interaction analysis of a notching and cyclic bending process. Manufacturing Letters, 50th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NMRC 50,2022)(33, Beilage), 167-173.


Biallas, Alina, and Marion Merklein. "Interaction analysis of a notching and cyclic bending process." Manufacturing Letters 50th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NMRC 50,2022).33, Beilage (2022): 167-173.

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