Symmetry of the gradient profile as second experimental dimension in the short-time expansion of the apparent diffusion coefficient as measured with NMR diffusometry

Laun FB, Kuder TA, Zong F, Hertel S, Galvosas P (2015)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2015


Book Volume: 259

Pages Range: 10-19

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmr.2015.07.003


The time-dependent apparent diffusion coefficient as measured by pulsed gradient NMR can be used to estimate parameters of porous structures including the surface-to-volume ratio and the mean curvature of pores. In this work, the short-time diffusion limit and in particular the influence of the temporal profile of diffusion gradients on the expansion as proposed by Mitra et al. (1993) is investigated. It is shown that flow-compensated waveforms, i.e. those whose first moment is zero, are blind to the term linear in observation time, which is the term that is proportional to mean curvature and surface permeability. A gradient waveform that smoothly interpolates between flow-compensated and bipolar waveform is proposed and the degree of flow-compensation is used as a second experimental dimension. This two-dimensional ansatz is shown to yield an improved precision when characterizing the confining domain. This technique is demonstrated with simulations and in experiments performed with cylindrical capillaries of 100 μm radius.

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How to cite


Laun, F.B., Kuder, T.A., Zong, F., Hertel, S., & Galvosas, P. (2015). Symmetry of the gradient profile as second experimental dimension in the short-time expansion of the apparent diffusion coefficient as measured with NMR diffusometry. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 259, 10-19.


Laun, Frederik Bernd, et al. "Symmetry of the gradient profile as second experimental dimension in the short-time expansion of the apparent diffusion coefficient as measured with NMR diffusometry." Journal of Magnetic Resonance 259 (2015): 10-19.

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