Poornajar M, Zaiser M, Moretti P (2022)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2022
Book Volume: 12
Article Number: 11814
Journal Issue: 1
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-15842-y
Network theoretical measures such as geodesic edge betweenness centrality (GEBC) have been proposed as failure predictors in network models of load-driven materials failure. Edge betweenness centrality ranks which links are significant, based on the fraction of shortest paths that pass through the links between network nodes. We study GEBC as a failure predictor for two-dimensional fuse network models of load transmission in structurally disordered materials. We analyze the evolution of edge betweenness centrality in the run-up to failure and the correlation between GEBC and failure propensity for both hierarchical and non-hierarchical networks exhibiting various degrees of disorder. We observe a non trivial relationship between GEBC and failure propensity, which suggests that the idea of GEBC as a useful failure predictor needs to be strongly qualified.
Poornajar, M., Zaiser, M., & Moretti, P. (2022). Edge betweenness centrality as a failure predictor in network models of structurally disordered materials. Scientific Reports, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-15842-y
Poornajar, Mahshid, Michael Zaiser, and Paolo Moretti. "Edge betweenness centrality as a failure predictor in network models of structurally disordered materials." Scientific Reports 12.1 (2022).
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