Strauß L, Peter A, Rieß S, Wensing M (2022)
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Publication year: 2022
Strauß, L., Peter, A., Rieß, S., & Wensing, M. (2022). Mixture Formation of OME3-5 and 1-Octanol in comparison to diesel-like Dodecane under ECN Spray A Conditions. In Proceedings of the COMODIA2022. Sapporo, JP.
Strauß, Lukas, et al. "Mixture Formation of OME3-5 and 1-Octanol in comparison to diesel-like Dodecane under ECN Spray A Conditions." Proceedings of the COMODIA2022, Sapporo 2022.
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