Thesis 7: International migration has to be considered as just one form among diverse mobilities

Weidinger T, Kordel S (2022)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2022

Publisher: Routledge

Edited Volumes: The Renaissance of Remote Places. MATILDE Manifesto

Series: Routledge Studies on Remote Places and Remoteness

City/Town: London

Book Volume: 1

Pages Range: 68-75

ISBN: 9781032197111


Immigration and domestic in-migration to rural areas involve a broad array of protagonists and processes. Most recently, categorisations of migration processes have been questioned, and boundaries have blurred and shifted. Thus, a broader conception of ‘people on the move’ has been established. In rural and mountain regions, such mobilities include humanitarian migration of asylum seekers and resettled and recognised refugees, student migration, labour-induced migration (especially in sectors with a shortage of workers, particularly seasonal work in agriculture and the hospitality industry), as well as family migration. Moreover, repopulation trends outside urban centres, are apparent in terms of amenity/lifestyle migration and the ‘new highlanders’ movement. Hence, a new idea of mobility is proposed: migration and mobility need to be considered not as special cases that give rise to fear and concern about additional burdens, but instead as the new normality. 

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How to cite


Weidinger, T., & Kordel, S. (2022). Thesis 7: International migration has to be considered as just one form among diverse mobilities. In Membretti A, Dax T, Krasteva A (Eds.), The Renaissance of Remote Places. MATILDE Manifesto. (pp. 68-75). London: Routledge.


Weidinger, Tobias, and Stefan Kordel. "Thesis 7: International migration has to be considered as just one form among diverse mobilities." The Renaissance of Remote Places. MATILDE Manifesto. Ed. Membretti A, Dax T, Krasteva A, London: Routledge, 2022. 68-75.

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