Religious beliefs and professional beliefs of schoolteachers. Theoretical deliberations and preliminary research findings.

Pirner M, Röhl S (2021)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2021

Publisher: Peter Lang

Edited Volumes: New Directions in Religious and Values Education. International Perspectives

City/Town: London

Pages Range: 183-197

Authors with CRIS profile

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Involved external institutions

How to cite


Pirner, M., & Röhl, S. (2021). Religious beliefs and professional beliefs of schoolteachers. Theoretical deliberations and preliminary research findings. In L. Francis & Lankshear, D. (Eds.), New Directions in Religious and Values Education. International Perspectives. (pp. 183-197). London: Peter Lang.


Pirner, Manfred, and Sebastian Röhl. "Religious beliefs and professional beliefs of schoolteachers. Theoretical deliberations and preliminary research findings." New Directions in Religious and Values Education. International Perspectives. Ed. L. Francis & Lankshear, D., London: Peter Lang, 2021. 183-197.

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