Reply to Weiss: Tree-ring stable oxygen isotopes suggest an increase in Asian monsoon rainfall at 4.2 ka BP

Yang B, Qin C, Bräuning A, Osborn TJ, Trouet V, Ljungqvist FC, Esper J, Schneider L, Grießinger J, Büntgen U, Rossi S, Dong G, Yan M, Ning L, Wang J, Wang X, Fan B, Wang S, Luterbacher J, Cook ER, Stenseth NC (2022)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2022


Book Volume: 119

Pages Range: e2204067119

Journal Issue: 20

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2204067119

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How to cite


Yang, B., Qin, C., Bräuning, A., Osborn, T.J., Trouet, V., Ljungqvist, F.C.,... Stenseth, N.C. (2022). Reply to Weiss: Tree-ring stable oxygen isotopes suggest an increase in Asian monsoon rainfall at 4.2 ka BP. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(20), e2204067119.


Yang, Bao, et al. "Reply to Weiss: Tree-ring stable oxygen isotopes suggest an increase in Asian monsoon rainfall at 4.2 ka BP." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119.20 (2022): e2204067119.

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