Antecedents and consequences of agility: On the ongoing invocation of self-organization

Nicklich M, Sauer S, Pfeiffer S (2021)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2021

Publisher: Palgrave McMillan:

Edited Volumes: The Agile Imperative: Teams, Organizations and Society under Reconstruction?

City/Town: Cham

Pages Range: 19-38

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-73994-2_2


By examining theoretical developments, this chapter shows that new concepts such as agility are necessary to revitalize the discussion concerning the participation of employees and the self-organization of teams. It seems that scholars have discussed aspects such as employee participation and self-organization in a similar way for decades. Providing both conceptual and empirical insights, we argue that agile approaches are at risk of missing their goal despite this continuous discussion. This is not least because of their focus on a team-based level without challenging bureaucratic organization and hierarchical leadership as a whole. The text illustrates that agile work needs organizations and employees that are capable of self-organization but cannot tolerate it, since control and inhuman demands are part of its inherent logic.

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How to cite


Nicklich, M., Sauer, S., & Pfeiffer, S. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of agility: On the ongoing invocation of self-organization. In Sabine Pfeiffer; Manuel Nicklich; Stefan Sauer (Eds.), The Agile Imperative: Teams, Organizations and Society under Reconstruction?. (pp. 19-38). Cham: Palgrave McMillan:.


Nicklich, Manuel, Stefan Sauer, and Sabine Pfeiffer. "Antecedents and consequences of agility: On the ongoing invocation of self-organization." The Agile Imperative: Teams, Organizations and Society under Reconstruction?. Ed. Sabine Pfeiffer; Manuel Nicklich; Stefan Sauer, Cham: Palgrave McMillan:, 2021. 19-38.

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