Ulrich H, Lehnert B, Guenot D, Svendsen K, Lundh O, Will S, Wensing M, Berrocal E, Zigan L (2021)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Publication year: 2021
Book Volume: 1
Article Number: 402
Conference Proceedings Title: Vol 1 No 1 (2021): ICLASS Edinburgh 2021
Event location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Journal Issue: 1
Open Access Link: http://journals.ed.ac.uk/ICLASS_Edinburgh/article/view/6139
In this work two-photon laser-induced fluorescence (2p-LIF) laser sheet imaging is used to analyze the structure and the atomization behavior of water and ethanol sprays. Multiple light scattering is reduced by 2p-LIF measurements using a femtosecond laser. This allows high-contrast spray imaging close to the nozzle resulting in an improved identification of single liquid structures. A commercial 6-hole DISI (Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition) injector was studied at different injection pressures, operated with ethanol and water containing a LIF dye (fluorescein). Compared to water, the ethanol spray structure shows increased cone angles in the nozzle near-filed. For the size of the liquid structures, no clear dependency on the fluid properties is observed in this spray region.
Ulrich, H., Lehnert, B., Guenot, D., Svendsen, K., Lundh, O., Will, S.,... Zigan, L. (2021). Analysis of liquid spray structures using two-photon fluorescence laser sheet imaging. In Vol 1 No 1 (2021): ICLASS Edinburgh 2021. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Ulrich, Hannah, et al. "Analysis of liquid spray structures using two-photon fluorescence laser sheet imaging." Proceedings of the 15th ICLASS 2021, Edinburgh, Scotland 2021.
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