Folle L, Simon D, Tascilar K, Krönke G, Liphardt AM, Maier A, Schett G, Kleyer A (2022)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2022
Book Volume: 9
Open Access Link:
Folle, L., Simon, D., Tascilar, K., Krönke, G., Liphardt, A.-M., Maier, A.,... Kleyer, A. (2022). Deep Learning-Based Classification of Inflammatory Arthritis by Identification of Joint Shape Patterns—How Neural Networks Can Tell Us Where to “Deep Dive” Clinically. Frontiers in Medicine, 9.
Folle, Lukas, et al. "Deep Learning-Based Classification of Inflammatory Arthritis by Identification of Joint Shape Patterns—How Neural Networks Can Tell Us Where to “Deep Dive” Clinically." Frontiers in Medicine 9 (2022).
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