Chronic Kidney Disease - Diagnosis and Treatment

Galle J, Schmieder R, Weinreich T (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2021


Book Volume: 30

Pages Range: 307-318

Journal Issue: 5


Around five to eight million people in Germany are affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD), with incidence and prevalence continuing to rise and a high number of unknown cases. CKD is defined as persistent kidney damage associated with declining kidney function. Hypertension, diabetes, and obesity accelerate the process, resulting in increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. CKD is diagnosed in screening tests (urine test or blood test) and imaging techniques for determining overall kidney function, and then classified into stages to enable appropriate therapy. This review article aims to summarise current knowledge on CKD and place it into a clinical context focusing on CKD classification, diagnosis, complications, essential current treatment options, and recommendations on when general practitioners should refer patients to a nephrologist.

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How to cite


Galle, J., Schmieder, R., & Weinreich, T. (2021). Chronic Kidney Disease - Diagnosis and Treatment. Diabetes Stoffwechsel und Herz, 30(5), 307-318.


Galle, J., Roland Schmieder, and T. Weinreich. "Chronic Kidney Disease - Diagnosis and Treatment." Diabetes Stoffwechsel und Herz 30.5 (2021): 307-318.

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