CORRIGENDUM: Adsorption of phenylphosphonic acid on rutile TiO2(110) (Surface Science (2020) 698, (S0039602819309410), (10.1016/j.susc.2020.121612))

Köbl J, Wechsler D, Kataev E, Williams FJ, Tsud N, Franchi S, Steinrück HP, Lytken O (2022)

Publication Type: Journal article, Erratum

Publication year: 2022


Book Volume: 717

Article Number: 122004

DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2021.122004


In the original version of this article, Fig. 6 was plotted incorrectly, since in the input file the data on the polar angle axis were inserted in the inverse order. The correct Fig. 6 is shown below (caption remains unchanged). The error also concerns the deduced angles of the molecular plane relative to the surface plane (polar tilt angle), which are addressed in the manuscript on page 5, left column. The text should correctly read: "Fitting yields a polar tilt angle of 25° of the phenyl ring plane with respect to the surface normal with an azimuthal angle of 42° for the monodentate monolayer (380 K), and a polar tilt angle of 26° with an azimuthal angle of 43° for the mixed bidentate (or mono- and tridentate) monolayer (650–780 K). The fitting procedure was performed following the procedure from Ref. [37] In line with the unchanged electronic structure, the molecular orientation does not change (within the margin of error) when a monodentate monolayer of phenylphosphonic acid is annealed to form a mixed bidentate layer. Notably, for the onefold deprotonated bidentate, a polar tilt angle of ∼40° is estimated from Fig. 8 in Ref. [9]. For comparison, we note that 0.85 ML of phenylphosphonic acid adsorbs on anatase TiO2(101) surfaces at room temperature with a phenyl ring tilted 25° with respect to the surface normal.” Furthermore, the denoted value for the polar angle in the abstract and the summary should be changed to 25° The corrected texts read: Abstract: “Furthermore, the phenyl ring is tilted ∼25º with respect to the surface normal and it either forms 45° or is randomly oriented with respect to [001] crystallographic direction.” Conclusion: “Both monolayers possess essentially the same electronic structure with molecules tilted ∼25° with respect to the surface normal and with either a random azimuthal orientation or a 45° one.”

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How to cite


Köbl, J., Wechsler, D., Kataev, E., Williams, F.J., Tsud, N., Franchi, S.,... Lytken, O. (2022). CORRIGENDUM: Adsorption of phenylphosphonic acid on rutile TiO2(110) (Surface Science (2020) 698, (S0039602819309410), (10.1016/j.susc.2020.121612)). Surface Science, 717.


Köbl, Julia, et al. "CORRIGENDUM: Adsorption of phenylphosphonic acid on rutile TiO2(110) (Surface Science (2020) 698, (S0039602819309410), (10.1016/j.susc.2020.121612))." Surface Science 717 (2022).

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