Multilevel selective harmonic modulation by duality

Biccari U, Zuazua Iriondo E (2024)

Publication Language: English

Publication Status: Submitted

Publication Type: Unpublished / Preprint

Future Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2024


DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.08.081

Open Access Link:


We address the Selective Harmonic Modulation (SHM) problem in power electronic engineering, consisting in designing a multilevel staircase control signal with some prescribed frequencies to improve the performances of a converter. In this work, SHM is addressed through an optimal control methodology based on duality, in which the admissible controls are piece-wise constant functions, taking values only in a given finite set. To fulfill this constraint, the cornerstone of our approach is the introduction of a special penalization in the cost functional, in the form of a piece-wise affine approximation of a parabola. In this manner, we build optimal multilevel controls having the desired staircase structure.

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How to cite


Biccari, U., & Zuazua Iriondo, E. (2024). Multilevel selective harmonic modulation by duality. (Unpublished, Submitted).


Biccari, Umberto, and Enrique Zuazua Iriondo. Multilevel selective harmonic modulation by duality. Unpublished, Submitted. 2024.

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