Prevention and Treatment of Mental Health and Psychosocial Problems in College Students: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses

Cuijpers P, Miguel C, Ciharova M, Aalten P, Batelaan N, Salemink E, Spinhoven P, Struijs S, De Wit L, Gentili C, Ebert D, Harrer M, Bruffaerts R, Kessler RC, Karyotaki E (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article, Review article

Publication year: 2021


Book Volume: 28

Pages Range: 229-244

Journal Issue: 3

DOI: 10.1037/cps0000030


We conducted an umbrella review of 31 meta-analyses with 608 primary studies, examining the effects of psychological interventions for prevention and treatment of mental and psychological problems in college students. The proportion of unique primary studies included in the meta-analyses ranged from 6 to 100%. For problems like depression, anxiety, and stress, effective universal, indicated, and treatment interventions are available. For alcohol problems effects are small and it is not clear if these are clinically relevant. Effective interventions have been developed for smoking cessation, test-anxiety, internet addiction, procrastination, and bystander sexual assault prevention programs. The quality of most metaanalyses and almost all primary studies was suboptimal. Therefore, all findings have to be considered with caution.

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How to cite


Cuijpers, P., Miguel, C., Ciharova, M., Aalten, P., Batelaan, N., Salemink, E.,... Karyotaki, E. (2021). Prevention and Treatment of Mental Health and Psychosocial Problems in College Students: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses. Clinical Psychology-Science and Practice, 28(3), 229-244.


Cuijpers, Pim, et al. "Prevention and Treatment of Mental Health and Psychosocial Problems in College Students: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses." Clinical Psychology-Science and Practice 28.3 (2021): 229-244.

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