Bertermann D, Jocic N, Rammler M, Schwarz H, Wagner J (2021)
Publication Language: English
Publication Type: Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster
Publication year: 2021
Shallow geothermal energy is a renewable source for heating and cooling systems and buildings, by which a significant part of the arising energy demand could be covered if it is in widespread use. Especially in rural areas (very) shallow geothermal systems are well applicable due to the availability of spacious unsealed areas.
The aim of the study was the examination of geothermal potential maps for utilization of very shallow horizontal applications in the rural areas of Bavaria (Germany). These potential maps should bring a more facilitated access to this issue for heating engineers and planners and with that a more common use of shallow geothermal energy. To develop these potential maps, the relevant parameters were implemented as areal data in a geographical information system (GIS). As database serves a soil map of Bavaria (scale 1:5000) which includes crucial parameters such as soil texture. Additionally, climate data based on degree-day numbers for characteristic regions were implemented.
Soil and climate data provided the basis to develop an algorithm for calculation of (very) shallow geothermal potentials. Results are presented in two categories – thermal conductivity on the one hand, and heat extraction on the other. Thermal conductivity is the general parameter which describes local geothermal potentials, dependent on soil texture, bulk density and water content, while heat extraction is given as a system-specific characteristic. This research focused on four different shallow geothermal systems – horizonal ground heat collectors, capillary tube mats, geothermal baskets, and trench collectors. These geothermal potentials were processed in a GIS project enabling the output as potential maps.
For validation of the very shallow geothermal potential maps soil data from selected case study municipalities were consulted. Therefore, data from geotechnical surveys and sampled and analysed soils were used.
As a result, these maps revealing the very shallow geothermal potential can serve as handy tool for heating engineers and planners for an appropriate design of these horizontal geothermal applications. Afterall, the compilation process is easy to transfer to other regions, just by using respective soil maps and climatic data.
Bertermann, D., Jocic, N., Rammler, M., Schwarz, H., & Wagner, J. (2021, June). Mapping of Very Shallow Geothermal Potentials in Rural Areas: a Case Study of Bavaria (Germany). Poster presentation at Alternative Energy Sources, Materials and Technologies (AESMT’21), Ruse, BG.
Bertermann, David, et al. "Mapping of Very Shallow Geothermal Potentials in Rural Areas: a Case Study of Bavaria (Germany)." Presented at Alternative Energy Sources, Materials and Technologies (AESMT’21), Ruse 2021.
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