SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal Standard Scan Planes in Freehand Ultrasound

Baumgartner CF, Kamnitsas K, Matthew J, Fletcher TP, Smith S, Koch LM, Kainz B, Rueckert D (2017)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2017


Book Volume: 36

Pages Range: 2204-2215

Article Number: 7974824

Journal Issue: 11

DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2017.2712367


Identifying and interpreting fetal standard scan planes during 2-D ultrasound mid-pregnancy examinations are highly complex tasks, which require years of training. Apart from guiding the probe to the correct location, it can be equally difficult for a non-expert to identify relevant structures within the image. Automatic image processing can provide tools to help experienced as well as inexperienced operators with these tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on convolutional neural networks, which can automatically detect 13 fetal standard views in freehand 2-D ultrasound data as well as provide a localization of the fetal structures via a bounding box. An important contribution is that the network learns to localize the target anatomy using weak supervision based on image-level labels only. The network architecture is designed to operate in real-time while providing optimal output for the localization task. We present results for real-time annotation, retrospective frame retrieval from saved videos, and localization on a very large and challenging dataset consisting of images and video recordings of full clinical anomaly screenings. We found that the proposed method achieved an average F1-score of 0.798 in a realistic classification experiment modeling real-time detection, and obtained a 90.09% accuracy for retrospective frame retrieval. Moreover, an accuracy of 77.8% was achieved on the localization task.

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How to cite


Baumgartner, C.F., Kamnitsas, K., Matthew, J., Fletcher, T.P., Smith, S., Koch, L.M.,... Rueckert, D. (2017). SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal Standard Scan Planes in Freehand Ultrasound. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 36(11), 2204-2215.


Baumgartner, Christian F., et al. "SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal Standard Scan Planes in Freehand Ultrasound." IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36.11 (2017): 2204-2215.

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