Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal imaging: Current status and future directions

Gyftopoulos S, Lin D, Knoll F, Doshi AM, Rodrigues TC, Recht MP (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article, Review article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 213

Pages Range: 506-513

Journal Issue: 3

DOI: 10.2214/AJR.19.21117


OBJECTIVE. The objective of this article is to show how artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted different components of the imaging value chain thus far as well as to describe its potential future uses. CONCLUSION. The use of AI has the potential to greatly enhance every component of the imaging value chain. From assessing the appropriateness of imaging orders to helping predict patients at risk for fracture, AI can increase the value that musculoskeletal imagers provide to their patients and to referring clinicians by improving image quality, patient centricity, imaging efficiency, and diagnostic accuracy.

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How to cite


Gyftopoulos, S., Lin, D., Knoll, F., Doshi, A.M., Rodrigues, T.C., & Recht, M.P. (2019). Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal imaging: Current status and future directions. American Journal of Roentgenology, 213(3), 506-513.


Gyftopoulos, Soterios, et al. "Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal imaging: Current status and future directions." American Journal of Roentgenology 213.3 (2019): 506-513.

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