Blowup for a time-oscillating nonlinear heat equation

Cazenave T, Escobedo M, Zuazua E (2013)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2013


Book Volume: 82

Pages Range: 125-146

Journal Issue: 1


In this paper, we study a nonlinear heat equation with a periodic time oscillating term in factor of the nonlinearity. In particular, we give examples showing how the behavior of the solution can drastically change according to both the frequency of the oscillating factor and the size of the initial value.

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How to cite


Cazenave, T., Escobedo, M., & Zuazua, E. (2013). Blowup for a time-oscillating nonlinear heat equation. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 82(1), 125-146.


Cazenave, Th, M. Escobedo, and Enrique Zuazua. "Blowup for a time-oscillating nonlinear heat equation." Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 82.1 (2013): 125-146.

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