Accretion in strong field gravity with eXTP

De Rosa A, Uttley P, Gou L, Liu Y, Bambi C, Barret D, Belloni T, Berti E, Bianchi S, Caiazzo I, Casella P, Feroci M, Ferrari V, Gualtieri L, Heyl J, Ingram A, Karas V, Lu F, Luo B, Matt G, Motta S, Neilsen J, Pani P, Santangelo A, Shu X, Wang J, Wang JM, Xue Y, Xu Y, Yuan W, Yuan Y, Zhang SN, Zhang S, Agudo I, Amati L, Andersson N, Baglio C, Bakala P, Baykal A, Bhattacharyya S, Bombaci I, Bucciantini N, Capitanio F, Ciolfi R, Cui WK, D'Ammando F, Dauser T, Del Santo M, De Marco B, Di Salvo T, Done C, Dovciak M, Fabian AC, Falanga M, Gambino AF, Gendre B, Grinberg V, Heger A, Homan J, Iaria R, Jiang J, Jin C, Koerding E, Linares M, Liu Z, Maccarone TJ, Malzac J, Manousakis A, Marin F, Marinucci A, Mehdipour M, Mendez M, Migliari S, Miller C, Miniutti G, Nardini E, O'Brien PT, Osborne JP, Petrucci PO, Possenti A, Riggio A, Rodriguez J, Sanna A, Shao L, Sobolewska M, Sramkova E, Stevens AL, Stiele H, Stratta G, Stuchlik Z, Svoboda J, Tamburini F, Tauris TM, Tombesi F, Torok G, Urbanec M, Vincent F, Wu Q, Yuan F, In'T Zand JJM, Zdziarski AA, Zhou X (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article, Review article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 62

Article Number: 29504

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1007/s11433-018-9297-0


In this paper we describe the potential of the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry (eXTP) mission for studies related to accretion flows in the strong field gravity regime around both stellar-mass and supermassive black-holes. eXTP has the unique capability of using advanced “spectral-timing-polarimetry” techniques to analyze the rapid variations with three orthogonal diagnostics of the flow and its geometry, yielding unprecedented insight into the inner accreting regions, the effects of strong field gravity on the material within them and the powerful outflows which are driven by the accretion process. X-spinmeasurements.

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University of British Columbia CA Canada (CA) National Institute for Astrophysics / Istituto Nazionale Astrofisica (INAF) IT Italy (IT) Università degli studi "La Sapienza" IT Italy (IT) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) / 中国科学院 CN China (CN) Anhui Normal University / 安徽师范大学 CN China (CN) Xiamen University CN China (CN) University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) CN China (CN) Spanish National Research Council / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ES Spain (ES) University of Southampton GB United Kingdom (GB) New York University Abu Dhabi (NYU Abu Dhabi) AE United Arab Emirates (AE) Middle East Technical University (METU) / Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi TR Turkey (TR) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) IN India (IN) University of Pisa / Università di Pisa (UniPi) IT Italy (IT) Arcetri Observatory / Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (INAF) IT Italy (IT) Purdue-University US United States (USA) (US) Texas Tech University (TTU) US United States (USA) (US) Université Fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées FR France (FR) Polska Akademia Nauk (PAN) / Polish Academy of Sciences PL Poland (PL) Université de Strasbourg (UDS) FR France (FR) Università degli Studi Roma Tre IT Italy (IT) Netherlands Institute for Space Research / Stichting Ruimteonderzoek Nederland (SRON) NL Netherlands (NL) University of Groningen / Rijksuniversiteit Groningen NL Netherlands (NL) Università degli Studi di Cagliari IT Italy (IT) University of Paris 7 - Denis Diderot / Université Paris VII Denis Diderot FR France (FR) Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie / Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy DE Germany (DE) Harvard University US United States (USA) (US) Silesian University in Opava / Slezská univerzita v Opavě CZ Czech Republic (CZ) Michigan State University US United States (USA) (US) Tsinghua University CN China (CN) Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences CZ Czech Republic (CZ) University of Amsterdam NL Netherlands (NL) Fudan University / 复旦大学 CN China (CN) University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) US United States (USA) (US) University of Oxford GB United Kingdom (GB) Nanjing University CN China (CN) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US United States (USA) (US) Università degli Studi di Palermo IT Italy (IT) Durham University GB United Kingdom (GB) University of Cambridge GB United Kingdom (GB) International Space Science Institute (ISSI) CH Switzerland (CH) University of the Virgin Islands VI Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI) European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC, ESA) NL Netherlands (NL) Monash University AU Australia (AU) Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (MPE) / Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics DE Germany (DE) Radboud University Nijmegen NL Netherlands (NL) Polytechnic University of Catalonia / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) / Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña ES Spain (ES) University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" / Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo" (UNIURB) IT Italy (IT) European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) ES Spain (ES) University of Maryland US United States (USA) (US) Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC/INTA) ES Spain (ES) University of Leicester GB United Kingdom (GB) University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA) / Université de Grenoble FR France (FR) Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM) DE Germany (DE) Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' IT Italy (IT)

How to cite


De Rosa, A., Uttley, P., Gou, L., Liu, Y., Bambi, C., Barret, D.,... Zhou, X. (2019). Accretion in strong field gravity with eXTP. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 62(2).


De Rosa, Alessandra, et al. "Accretion in strong field gravity with eXTP." Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 62.2 (2019).

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