Rohrmoser A, Kiener C, Schubert D, Hagenah H, Drummer D, Merklein M (2019)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2019
Book Volume: 2019
Pages Range: 94-98
Journal Issue: 7-8
Cold forging offers the potential to produce ready-to-use gears in a process suitable for series production. In material pairing with a plastic gearwheel, the component properties of the steel gearwheel have a decisive effect on the wear behaviour and service life of the pairing. This results in requirements for the component properties that must be taken into account when designing the cold forging process. In the context of this article, the improvement of the resulting running-in behaviour of a steel-polyamide gear pairing by targeted measures within the design of the cold forging process of the steel pinion is investigated.
Rohrmoser, A., Kiener, C., Schubert, D., Hagenah, H., Drummer, D., & Merklein, M. (2019). Targeted influencing of the mission-relevant component properties of cold-forged gearwheels. Konstruktion, 2019(7-8), 94-98.
Rohrmoser, Andreas, et al. "Targeted influencing of the mission-relevant component properties of cold-forged gearwheels." Konstruktion 2019.7-8 (2019): 94-98.
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