Motives and Laterality: Exploring the Links

Schultheiss O, Schwemmer OS, Khalaidovski K (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2021


DOI: 10.1007/s40750-021-00165-5


Objectives: We explored associations between the needs for power, achievement, and affiliation and functional cerebral asymmetries (FCAs), guided by three established hypotheses about the nature of these associations. Methods: One-hundred-and-seven participants completed picture-story measures of dispositional motives and activity inhibition (AI), a frequent moderator of motive-behavior associations, tasks measuring FCAs (line bisection, chimeric emotional face judgments, turning bias, perceptual and response asymmetries on the Poffenberger task), self-reported laterality preferences (handedness, footedness, ear and eye preference), and interhemispheric interaction (crossed-uncrossed difference). They also completed an experiment manipulating hand contractions (left, right, both, neither) while they worked on a second picture-story motive measure. Results: Dispositional power motivation was associated with stronger rightward asymmetry and less interhemispheric transfer in high-AI and stronger leftward asymmetry and more interhemispheric transfer in low-AI individuals. For the affiliation motive, findings were fewer and in the opposite direction of those for the power motive. These findings emerged for men, but not for women. Left- or right-hand contractions led to increases in power and achievement motivation, but not affiliation motivation. Only left-hand contractions led to decreased AI. Conclusions: We discuss these findings in the context of sex-dimorphic organizing and activating effects of steroids on motives and laterality.

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How to cite


Schultheiss, O., Schwemmer, O.S., & Khalaidovski, K. (2021). Motives and Laterality: Exploring the Links. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology.


Schultheiss, Oliver, Olivia S. Schwemmer, and Ksenia Khalaidovski. "Motives and Laterality: Exploring the Links." Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology (2021).

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