Cygnus X-1 contains a 21-solar mass black hole-Implications for massive star winds

Miller-Jones JC, Bahramian A, Orosz JA, Mande I, Gou L, Maccarone TJ, Neijsse CJ, Zhao X, Ziółkowski J, Reid MJ, Uttley P, Zheng X, Byun DY, Dodson R, Grinberg V, Jung T, Kim JS, Marcote B, Markoff S, Rioja MJ, Rushton AP, Russell DM, Sivakoff GR, Tetarenko AJ, Tudose V, Wilms J (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2021


Book Volume: 371

Pages Range: 1046-1049

Journal Issue: 6533

DOI: 10.1126/science.abb3363


The evolution of massive stars is influenced by the mass lost to stellar winds over their lifetimes. These winds limit the masses of the stellar remnants (such as black holes) that the stars ultimately produce. We used radio astrometry to refine the distance to the black hole X-ray binary Cygnus X-1, which we found to be 2:220:180:17 kiloparsecs. When combined with archival optical data, this implies a black hole mass of 21.2 ± 2.2 solar masses, which is higher than previous measurements. The formation of such a high-mass black hole in a high-metallicity system (within the Milky Way) constrains wind mass loss from massive stars.

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How to cite


Miller-Jones, J.C., Bahramian, A., Orosz, J.A., Mande, I., Gou, L., Maccarone, T.J.,... Wilms, J. (2021). Cygnus X-1 contains a 21-solar mass black hole-Implications for massive star winds. Science, 371(6533), 1046-1049.


Miller-Jones, James C.A., et al. "Cygnus X-1 contains a 21-solar mass black hole-Implications for massive star winds." Science 371.6533 (2021): 1046-1049.

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