ARD shows "GOTT": Open Letter from Palliative Medicine & Suicide Prevention to Ferdinand von Schirach

Fiedler G, Drinkmann A, Hauth I, Lenz P, Letsch A, Lewitzka U, Maier BO, Mueller-Pein H, Nauck F, Ostgathe C, Radbruch L, Reif A, Rolke R, Stanze H, Teising M, Weber M, Wolfersdorf M (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article, Editorial

Publication year: 2021


Book Volume: 22

Pages Range: 20-22

Journal Issue: 01

Authors with CRIS profile

Involved external institutions

How to cite


Fiedler, G., Drinkmann, A., Hauth, I., Lenz, P., Letsch, A., Lewitzka, U.,... Wolfersdorf, M. (2021). ARD shows "GOTT": Open Letter from Palliative Medicine & Suicide Prevention to Ferdinand von Schirach. Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin, 22(01), 20-22.


Fiedler, Georg, et al. "ARD shows "GOTT": Open Letter from Palliative Medicine & Suicide Prevention to Ferdinand von Schirach." Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin 22.01 (2021): 20-22.

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