Lipid-Iron Nanoparticle with a Cell Stress Release Mechanism Combined with a Local Alternating Magnetic Field Enables Site-Activated Drug Release

Medina TP, Gerle M, Humbert J, Chu H, Koepnick AL, Barkmann R, Garamus VM, Sanz B, Purcz N, Will O, Appold L, Damm T, Suojanen J, Arnold P, Lucius R, Willumeit-Roemer R, Acil Y, Wiltfang J, Goya GF, Glueer CC, Medina OP (2020)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2020


Book Volume: 12

Journal Issue: 12

DOI: 10.3390/cancers12123767


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How to cite


Medina, T.P., Gerle, M., Humbert, J., Chu, H., Koepnick, A.-L., Barkmann, R.,... Medina, O.P. (2020). Lipid-Iron Nanoparticle with a Cell Stress Release Mechanism Combined with a Local Alternating Magnetic Field Enables Site-Activated Drug Release. Cancers, 12(12).


Medina, Tuula Penate, et al. "Lipid-Iron Nanoparticle with a Cell Stress Release Mechanism Combined with a Local Alternating Magnetic Field Enables Site-Activated Drug Release." Cancers 12.12 (2020).

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