Dorsch M, Latour M, Heber U (2018)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Conference contribution
Publication year: 2018
Book Volume: 27
Pages Range: 19-26
Journal Issue: 1
The bright sdO star HD127493 is known to be of mixed H/He composition and excellent archival spectra covering both optical and ultraviolet ranges are available. UV spectra play a key role as they give access to many chemical species that do not show spectral lines in the optical, such as iron and nickel. This encouraged the quantitative spectral analysis of this prototypical mixed H/He composition sdO star.We determined atmospheric parameters for HD127493 in addition to the abundance of C, N, O, Si, S, Fe, and Ni in the atmosphere using non-LTE model atmospheres calculated with TLUSTY/SYNSPEC. A comparison between the parallax distance measured by Hipparcos and the derived spectroscopic distance indicate that the derived atmospheric parameters are realistic. From our metal abundance analysis, we find a strong CNO signature and enrichment in iron and nickel.
Dorsch, M., Latour, M., & Heber, U. (2018). Spectral analysis of the He-enriched sdO-star HD 127493. (pp. 19-26). DE GRUYTER POLAND SP ZOO.
Dorsch, Matti, Marilyn Latour, and Ulrich Heber. "Spectral analysis of the He-enriched sdO-star HD 127493." DE GRUYTER POLAND SP ZOO, 2018. 19-26.
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