Tillich A, Geier S, Heber U, Hirsch H, Maxted PFL, Marsh T, Gansicke B, Napiwotzki R, Ostensen R, Scholz RD (2010)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2010
Publisher: SPRINGER
Book Volume: 329
Pages Range: 63-68
Journal Issue: 1-2
DOI: 10.1007/s10509-010-0306-1
The HYPER-MUCHFUSS project targets a population of high velocity subluminous B stars to discover either close binaries with massive unseen companions or hyper-velocity stars. Our starting point is the enormous database of SDSS. We preselected sdO/B candidates by colour and classified them by visual inspection of their spectra. We measured the radial velocity from the coadded SDSS spectra, which serves as first epoch measurement. Stars with high Galactic rest-frame velocities were selected and second epoch observations were obtained starting in 2007 at several sites. For the brighter targets we also included the SDSS individual spectra as additional information. In the course of our survey we observed 88 out of 265 stars from our target list. We discovered 39 HVS candidates as well as 49 close binaries. In addition we analysed all single spectra of sdBs from SDSS and found 120 close binaries. For the targets with constant RVs we performed a proper motion analysis with the highest possible accuracy from the available digitised photographic plates. Together with the analysed spectra and the calculation of the spectroscopic distance, we calculated complete trajectories and deduced the origins of these stars. Targets with high RV variability on short timescales were selected for follow-up. Numerical simulations based on the period and companion mass distribution of the known sdB binary sample were carried out to optimise the target selection and single out candidate binaries with massive companions. The follow-up campaign using WHT/ISIS and CAHA-3.5m/TWIN started in 2009.
Tillich, A., Geier, S., Heber, U., Hirsch, H., Maxted, P.F.L., Marsh, T.,... Scholz, R.-D. (2010). The HYPER-MUCHFUSS project-target selection and analysis. Astrophysics and Space Science, 329(1-2), 63-68. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10509-010-0306-1
Tillich, A., et al. "The HYPER-MUCHFUSS project-target selection and analysis." Astrophysics and Space Science 329.1-2 (2010): 63-68.
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