The Axial Hartree-Fock plus BCS Code SkyAx

Reinhard PG, Schuetrumpf B, Maruhn JA (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2021


Book Volume: 258

DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107603


The nuclear mean-field model based on Skyrme forces can predict a variety of properties of nuclear ground states. We present the Code SKYAx solving the Hartree-Fock equations in two spatial dimensions assuming axial symmetry. Pairing can be included in the BCS approximation. The code is implemented with a view on computational speed.

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How to cite


Reinhard, P.-G., Schuetrumpf, B., & Maruhn, J.A. (2021). The Axial Hartree-Fock plus BCS Code SkyAx. Computer Physics Communications, 258.


Reinhard, Paul-Gerhard, B. Schuetrumpf, and J. A. Maruhn. "The Axial Hartree-Fock plus BCS Code SkyAx." Computer Physics Communications 258 (2021).

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