Covariance spectroscopy of molecular gases using fs pulse bursts created by modulational instability in gas-filled hollow-core fiber

Suresh M, Russell PSJ, Tani F (2020)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2020


Book Volume: 28

Pages Range: 34328-34336

Journal Issue: 23

DOI: 10.1364/OE.405767


We present a technique that uses noisy broadband pulse bursts generated by modulational instability to probe nonlinear processes, including infrared-inactive Raman transitions, in molecular gases. These processes imprint correlations between different regions of the noisy spectrum, which can be detected by acquiring single shot spectra and calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient between the different frequency components. Numerical simulations verify the experimental measurements and are used to further understand the system and discuss methods to improve the signal strength and the spectral resolution of the technique.

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How to cite


Suresh, M., Russell, P.S.J., & Tani, F. (2020). Covariance spectroscopy of molecular gases using fs pulse bursts created by modulational instability in gas-filled hollow-core fiber. Optics Express, 28(23), 34328-34336.


Suresh, Mallika, Philip St. John Russell, and Francesco Tani. "Covariance spectroscopy of molecular gases using fs pulse bursts created by modulational instability in gas-filled hollow-core fiber." Optics Express 28.23 (2020): 34328-34336.

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