Phase-locking of multiple acoustic resonances by intense optomechanical interactions in a soliton fiber laser

Yeh DH, He W, Pang M, Jiang X, Russell PSJ (2020)

Publication Type: Conference contribution

Publication year: 2020

Publisher: OSA - The Optical Society

Book Volume: Part F183-CLEO-SI 2020

Conference Proceedings Title: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Event location: Washington, DC US

ISBN: 9781557528209

DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2020.STh3P.3


In a soliton fiber laser incorporating three different PCF sections and optomechanically mode-locked at around 1.94 GHz, the three acoustic core resonances are strongly driven, coupled and phase-locked by the sequence of laser pulses.

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How to cite


Yeh, D.H., He, W., Pang, M., Jiang, X., & Russell, P.S.J. (2020). Phase-locking of multiple acoustic resonances by intense optomechanical interactions in a soliton fiber laser. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Washington, DC, US: OSA - The Optical Society.


Yeh, Dung Han, et al. "Phase-locking of multiple acoustic resonances by intense optomechanical interactions in a soliton fiber laser." Proceedings of the CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2020, Washington, DC OSA - The Optical Society, 2020.

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