Performance Evaluation of HLA RTI Implementations

Gütlein M, Baron W, Renner C, Djanatliev A (2020)

Publication Type: Conference contribution

Publication year: 2020

Conference Proceedings Title: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/ACM 24st International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT) 2020

ISBN: 9781728173436

DOI: 10.1109/DS-RT50469.2020.9213641


The High Level Architecture is an IEEE standard that enables distributed simulation. There are several implementations of the standard, which are providing i.a. the Run-Time Infrastructure component. This paper compares the four most known RTI Implementations, namely MAK RTI, Pitch pRTI, Portico, and CERTI, with a focus on performance evaluation. In general, Pitch pRTI was the fastest implementation for most of our experiments. CERTI performed best for big payload sizes and Portico showed an interesting oscillation pattern.

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How to cite


Gütlein, M., Baron, W., Renner, C., & Djanatliev, A. (2020). Performance Evaluation of HLA RTI Implementations. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/ACM 24st International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT) 2020.


Gütlein, Moritz, et al. "Performance Evaluation of HLA RTI Implementations." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/ACM 24st International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT) 2020 2020.

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