Specialized Staff for the Care of People with Parkinson's Disease in Germany: An Overview

Prell T, Siebecker F, Lorrain M, Toenges L, Warnecke T, Klucken J, Wellach I, Buhmann C, Wolz M, Lorenzl S, Herbst H, Eggers C, Mai T (2020)

Publication Type: Journal article, Review article

Publication year: 2020


Book Volume: 9

Journal Issue: 8

DOI: 10.3390/jcm9082581


Access to specialized care is essential for people with Parkinson ' s disease (PD). Given the growing number of people with PD and the lack of general practitioners and neurologists, particularly in rural areas in Germany, specialized PD staff (PDS), such as PD nurse specialists and Parkinson Assistants (PASS), will play an increasingly important role in the care of people with PD over the coming years. PDS have several tasks, such as having a role as an educator or adviser for other health professionals or an advocate for people with PD to represent and justify their needs. PD nurse specialists have been established for a long time in the Netherlands, England, the USA, and Scandinavia. In contrast, in Germany, distinct PDS models and projects have been established. However, these projects and models show substantial heterogeneity in terms of access requirements, education, theoretical and practical skills, principal workplace (inpatient vs. outpatient), and reimbursement. This review provides an overview of the existing forms and regional models for PDS in Germany. PDS reimbursement concepts must be established that will foster an implementation throughout Germany. Additionally, development of professional roles in nursing and more specialized care in Germany is needed.

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How to cite


Prell, T., Siebecker, F., Lorrain, M., Toenges, L., Warnecke, T., Klucken, J.,... Mai, T. (2020). Specialized Staff for the Care of People with Parkinson's Disease in Germany: An Overview. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(8). https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm9082581


Prell, Tino, et al. "Specialized Staff for the Care of People with Parkinson's Disease in Germany: An Overview." Journal of Clinical Medicine 9.8 (2020).

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