Knausa MC, Lechner M, Reimers AK (2020)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2020
Original Authors: Michael C. Knaus, Michael Lechner, Anne K. Reimers
Pages Range: 101904
Article Number: 101904
DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2020.101904
This study analyses the effects of regular physical education at school on academic achievements, non-cognitive skills, motor skills, physical activity, and health. It is based on a very informative data set, the German Motorik-Modul, and identifies the effect by using variation in the required numbers of physical education lessons across German federal states. The results suggest improvements in academic achievements. Boys’ non-cognitive skills are adversely affected driven by increased peer relation problems. For girls, the results show improvements in motor skills and increased extra-curricular physical activities. Generally, we find no statistically significant effects on health parameters.
Knausa, M.C., Lechner, M., & Reimers, A.K. (2020). For Better or Worse? – The Effects of Physical Education on Child Development. Labour Economics, 101904.
Knausa, Michael C., Michael Lechner, and Anne Kerstin Reimers. "For Better or Worse? – The Effects of Physical Education on Child Development." Labour Economics (2020): 101904.
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