Urban Fabric and Knowledge of Nature. Physicians as Naturalists in Early Modern Commercial Towns (in Vorbereitung)

Schmidt-Funke J (2021)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2021

Edited Volumes: Collective Wisdom. Collecting in the Early Modern Academy

City/Town: Turnhout

Authors with CRIS profile

How to cite


Schmidt-Funke, J. (2021). Urban Fabric and Knowledge of Nature. Physicians as Naturalists in Early Modern Commercial Towns (in Vorbereitung). In Anna Marie Roos, Vera Keller (Eds.), Collective Wisdom. Collecting in the Early Modern Academy. Turnhout.


Schmidt-Funke, Julia. "Urban Fabric and Knowledge of Nature. Physicians as Naturalists in Early Modern Commercial Towns (in Vorbereitung)." Collective Wisdom. Collecting in the Early Modern Academy. Ed. Anna Marie Roos, Vera Keller, Turnhout, 2021.

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