Adlarson P, Augustyniak W, Bardan W, Bashkanov M, Bergmann FS, Berlowski M, Bhatt H, Buescher M, Calen H, Ciepal , Clement H, Coderre D, Czerwinski E, Demmich K, Doroshkevich E, Engels R, Erven A, Erven W, Eyrich W, Fedorets P, Foehl K, Fransson K, Goldenbaum F, Goslawski P, Goswami A, Grigoryev K, Gullstrom CO, Hauenstein F, Heijkenskjold L, Hejny , Hodana M, Hoistad B, Huesken N, Jany A, Jany BR, Johansson T, Kamys B, Kemmerling G, Khan FA, Khoukaz A, Kirillov DA, Kistryn S, Kleines H, Klos B, Krapp M, Krzemien W, Kulessa P, Kupsc A, Lalwani K, Lersch D, Lorentz B, Magiera A, Maier R, Marciniewski P, Marianski B, Mikirtychiants M, Morsch HP, Moskal P, Ohm H, Ozerianska , Del Rio EP, Piskunov NM, Podkopal P, Prasuhn D, Pricking A, Pszczel D, Pysz K, Pyszniak A, Redmer CF, Ritman J, Roy A, Rudy Z, Sawant S, Schadmand S, Sefzick T, Serdyuk , Siudak R, Skorodko T, Skurzok M, Smyrski J, Sopov , Stassen R, Stepaniak J, Stephan E, Sterzenbach G, Stockhorst H, Stroeher H, Szczurek A, Taeschner A, Trzcinski A, Varma R, Wolke M, Wronska A, Wuestner P, Wurm P, Yamamoto A, Yurev L, Zabierowski J, Zielinski MJ, Zink A, Zlomanczuk J, Zupranski P, Zurek M, Workman RL, Briscoe WJ, Strakovsky II, Svarc A (2020)
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 2020
Book Volume: 102
Article Number: 012822
Journal Issue: 1
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.015204
Differential cross sections have been extracted from exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of quasifree polarized (n) over barp scattering performed in the energy region of the d* (2380) dibaryon resonance covering the range of beam energies T-n = 0.98-1.29 GeV (root s = 2.32-2.44 GeV). The experiment was carried out with the WASA-at-COSY setup having a polarized deuteron beam impinged on the hydrogen pellet target and utilizing the quasifree process dp -> np + p(spectator). In this way the np differential cross section sigma (Theta) was measured over a large angular range. The obtained angular distributions complement the corresponding analyzing power A(y)(Theta) measurements published previously. A SAID partial-wave analysis incorporating the new data strengthens the finding of a resonance pole in the coupled D-3(3) - (3)G(3) waves.
Adlarson, P., Augustyniak, W., Bardan, W., Bashkanov, M., Bergmann, F.S., Berlowski, M.,... Svarc, A. (2020). Differential cross sections for neutron-proton scattering in the region of the d* (2380) dibaryon resonance. Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, 102(1).
Adlarson, P., et al. "Differential cross sections for neutron-proton scattering in the region of the d* (2380) dibaryon resonance." Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 102.1 (2020).
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