Variational order for forced Lagrangian systems II. Euler-Poincare equations with forcing

Martin De Diego D, Sato Martin de Almagro R (2020)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2020


Book Volume: 33

Pages Range: 3709-3738

Journal Issue: 8

DOI: 10.1088/1361-6544/ab8bb1


In this paper we provide a variational derivation of the Euler-Poincare equations for systems subjected to external forces using an adaptation of the techniques introduced by Galley and others Martin de Diego and Martin de Almagro (2018Nonlinearity313814-3846), Galley (2013Phys. Rev. Lett.110174301), Galleyet al(2014 (arXiv:). Moreover, we study in detail the underlying geometry which is related to the notion of Poisson groupoid. Finally, we apply the previous construction to the formal derivation of the variational error for numerical integrators of forced Euler-Poincare equations and the application of this theory to the derivation of geometric integrators for forced systems.

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How to cite


Martin De Diego, D., & Sato Martin de Almagro, R. (2020). Variational order for forced Lagrangian systems II. Euler-Poincare equations with forcing. Nonlinearity, 33(8), 3709-3738.


Martin De Diego, D., and Rodrigo Sato Martin de Almagro. "Variational order for forced Lagrangian systems II. Euler-Poincare equations with forcing." Nonlinearity 33.8 (2020): 3709-3738.

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