Neurogeriatrics-a vision for improved care and research for geriatric patients with predominating neurological disabilities

Jacobs AH, Emmert K, Baron R, Bartsch T, Bauer J, Becker C, Berg D, Bergmann P, Boetzel K, Bollheimer C, Deuschl G, Djukic M, Drey M, Durwen H, Ebersbach G, Elshehabi M, Geritz J, Gisinger C, Guennewig T, Hauptmann B, Hobert MA, Hofmann W, Huellemann P, Jahn K, Klucken J, Kurth R, Lindner R, Lingor P, Lukas A, Maetzold S, Mokrusch T, Mollenhauer B, Nau R, Plate A, Polidori MC, Prell T, Schellinger P, Spira D, Stephani U, Studt S, Trenkwalder C, Unger HL, Urban P, Vonarnim CAF, Warnecke T, Weiss M, Wiedemann A, Wirth R, Witt K, Dodel R, Maetzler W, Heppner HJ (2020)

Publication Type: Journal article, Review article

Publication year: 2020


DOI: 10.1007/s00391-020-01734-1


Geriatric medicine is a rapidly evolving field that addresses diagnostic, therapeutic and care aspects of older adults. Some disabilities and disorders affecting cognition (e.g. dementia), motor function (e.g. stroke, Parkinson's disease, neuropathies), mood (e.g. depression), behavior (e.g. delirium) and chronic pain disorders are particularly frequent in old subjects. As knowledge about these age-associated conditions and disabilities is steadily increasing, the integral implementation of neurogeriatric knowledge in geriatric medicine and specific neurogeriatric research is essential to develop the field. This article discusses how neurological know-how could be integrated in academic geriatric medicine to improve care of neurogeriatric patients, to foster neurogeriatric research and training concepts and to provide innovative care concepts for geriatric patients with predominant neurological conditions and disabilities.

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How to cite


Jacobs, A.H., Emmert, K., Baron, R., Bartsch, T., Bauer, J., Becker, C.,... Heppner, H.J. (2020). Neurogeriatrics-a vision for improved care and research for geriatric patients with predominating neurological disabilities. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie.


Jacobs, Andreas H., et al. "Neurogeriatrics-a vision for improved care and research for geriatric patients with predominating neurological disabilities." Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie (2020).

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