Hiller J, Drexler H, Weistenhöfer W (2016)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2016
Book Volume: 51
Pages Range: 201-210
Journal Issue: 3
Background: The ..International Agency for Research on Cancer" (IARC) has established a causal relationship between welding and the occurrence of uveal melanoma and it classified welding as a human carcinogen in its Monographs 100D (2012). A literature review has now been undertaken as to whether uveal melanoma caused by welding meets the requirements for being recognised as an occupational disease under German legislation. Method: A systematic literature search was conducted on the association between the risk of a uveal melanoma and welding. Findings: An association between welding or photokeratitis (inter alia through welding) and uveal melanoma was investigated in multiple case-control studies and one meta- Analysis. Although predominantly positive associations were found, the causation was greatly limited by the frequent lack of statistical significance in the findings, the overlap of some study collectives and uncertain pathomechanisms. It is not currently possible to infer with sufficient certainty that welders have a considerably higher (= double) risk of job-related uveal melanoma. Conclusion: Current literature varies in terms of the nature and strength of a causal relationship between welding and the risk of a uveal melanoma and does not meet the scientific requirements of German occupational disease legislation. Further critical monitoring and research is needed regarding the pathogenic agent, a mechanism of action, a dose-effect relationship and the exact extent to which occupation is relevant.
Hiller, J., Drexler, H., & Weistenhöfer, W. (2016). Künstliche UV-Strahlung durch Schweißen und Aderhaut-Melanome: Eine wissenschaftliche Bewertung des Zusammenhangs auf Basis des deutschen Berufskrankheitenrechts. Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, 51(3), 201-210.
Hiller, Julia, Hans Drexler, and Wobbeke Weistenhöfer. "Künstliche UV-Strahlung durch Schweißen und Aderhaut-Melanome: Eine wissenschaftliche Bewertung des Zusammenhangs auf Basis des deutschen Berufskrankheitenrechts." Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin 51.3 (2016): 201-210.
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