Greiner A, Drexler H (2017)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2017
Book Volume: 52
Pages Range: 520-528
Journal Issue: 7
DOI: 10.17147/ASU.2017-07-03-02
Aim: Most adults spend about 90% of their time indoors, which is why indoor air should not have negative effects on health. The aim of this single-centre study was to find out what proportion of patients in an outpatient clinic for environmental and occupational medicine had indoor-associated complaints. We wanted to identify common complaints, the indoor areas where these complaints occurred, and the noxious agents on which the patients blamed these complaints. Group and Method: The files of 623 outpatients seen in the Erlangen institute and outpatient clinic for occupational, social, and environmental medicine from 2012 to 2016 were evaluated retrospectively, and patients with indoor-associated complaints were identified. Patients with social medicine-related issues were excluded. Results: 162 of 623 patients were presenting with indoor-associated health disorders: of these, 89 patients had environmental medicine issues, 52 patients had occupational disorders and 21 patients presented with combined issues. For environmental medicine patients, the share of indoor-associated i health complaints was 35% in 2012, increasing to 53% in 2016. The most frequent reason for attending the clinic was mould (32 patients), followed by PCP/lindane (31 patients). Other causes reported by patients included odours, renovation works, unusual readings from indoor air moni- i toring or materials sampling, influences from outdoor air, formaldehyde or pyrethroids. Most patients complained about respiratory (71%) and neu- i rological problems (35%) such as polyneuropathy, paraesthesia or vertigo. Conclusions: There is a strong need for soundly-based advice drawing on the latest science for patients experiencing indoor-associated complaints and having contact with noxious indoor agents.
Greiner, A., & Drexler, H. (2017). Indoor pollutants as presenting consultation issue in an environmental and occupational medicine outpatient clinic Innenraumschadstoffe als Konsultationsanlass in einer umwelt-, arbeits- und sozialmedizini-schen Sprechstunde. Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, 52(7), 520-528.
Greiner, Annette, and Hans Drexler. "Indoor pollutants as presenting consultation issue in an environmental and occupational medicine outpatient clinic Innenraumschadstoffe als Konsultationsanlass in einer umwelt-, arbeits- und sozialmedizini-schen Sprechstunde." Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin 52.7 (2017): 520-528.
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