Ajello M, Angioni R, Axelsson M, Ballet J, Barbiellini G, Bastieri D, Becerra Gonzalez J, Bellazzini R, Bissaldi E, Bloom ED, Bonino R, Bottacini E, Bruel P, Buson S, Cafardo F, Cameron RA, Cavazzuti E, Chen S, Cheung CC, Ciprini S, Costantin D, Cutini S, D'Ammando F, Luque PDLT, De Menezes R, De Palma F, Desai A, Di Lalla N, Di Venere L, Dominguez A, Dirirsa FF, Ferrara EC, Finke J, Franckowiak A, Fukazawa Y, Funk S, Fusco P, Gargano F, Garrappa S, Gasparrini D, Giglietto N, Giordano F, Giroletti M, Green D, Grenier IA, Guiriec S, Harita S, Hays E, Horan D, Itoh R, Johannesson G, Kovac'Evic' M, Krauss F, Kreter M, Kuss M, Larsson S, Leto C, Li J, Liodakis I, Longo F, Loparco F, Lott B, Lovellette MN, Lubrano P, Madejski GM, Maldera S, Manfreda A, Martí-Devesa G, Massaro F, Mazziotta MN, Mereu I, Meyer M, Migliori G, Mirabal N, Mizuno T, Monzani ME, Morselli A, Moskalenko I, Negro M, Nemmen R, Nuss E, Ojha LS, Ojha R, Omodei N, Orienti M, Orlando E, Ormes JF, Paliya VS, Pei Z, Pena-Herazo H, Persic M, Pesce-Rollins M, Petrov L, Piron F, Poon H, Principe G, Raino S, Rando R, Rani B, Razzano M, Razzaque S, Reimer A, Reimer O, Schinzel FK, Serini D, Sgro C, Siskind EJ, Spandre G, Spinelli P, Suson DJ, Tachibana Y, Thompson DJ, Torres DF, Torresi E, Troja E, Valverde J, Van Zyl P, Yassine M (2020)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2020
Book Volume: 892
Journal Issue: 2
The fourth catalog of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Large Area Telescope (4LAC) between 2008 August 4 and 2016 August 2 contains . It includes 85% more sources than the previous 3LAC catalog based on 4 yr of data. AGNs represent at least 79% of the high-latitude sources in the fourth Fermi-Large Area Telescope Source Catalog (4FGL), which covers the energy range from 50 MeV to 1 TeV. In addition, gamma-ray AGNs are found at low Galactic latitudes. Most of the 4LAC AGNs are blazars (98%), while the remainder are other types of AGNs. The blazar population consists of 24% Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs), 38% BL Lac-type objects, and 38% blazar candidates of unknown types (BCUs). On average, FSRQs display softer spectra and stronger variability in the gamma-ray band than BL Lacs do, confirming previous findings. All AGNs detected by ground-based atmospheric Cerenkov telescopes are also found in the 4LAC.
Ajello, M., Angioni, R., Axelsson, M., Ballet, J., Barbiellini, G., Bastieri, D.,... Yassine, M. (2020). The Fourth Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. Astrophysical Journal, 892(2). https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab791e
Ajello, M., et al. "The Fourth Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope." Astrophysical Journal 892.2 (2020).
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